- tabophobia Fear of tabes dorsalis (degenerative spinal disease).
- tachophobia Fear of speed.
- taeniiphobia syn. of taeniophobia.
- taeniophobia Fear of tapeworms.
- taphephobia Fear of being buried alive.
- taphophobia syn. of taphephobia.
- tapinophobia syn. of microphobia.
- taurophobia Fear of bulls.
- technophobia Fear of technology.
- teleophobia Fear of teleology.
- telephonophobia Fear of telephones.
- teletophobia Fear of religious ceremonies.
- teniophobia syn. of taeniophobia.
- teratophobia Fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster.
- Teutonophobia syn. of Germanophobia.
- Teutophobia syn. of Germanophobia.
- textophobia Fear of certain fabrics.
- thaasophobia Fear of sitting (idle).
- thalassophobia Fear of seas.
- thanatophobia Fear of death.
- thassophobia
- theatrophobia Fear of theatres.
- theologicophobia Fear of theology.
- theophobia Fear of God.
- thermophobia Fear of heat.
- thixophobia syn. of haphephobia.
- tocophobia syn. of maieusiophobia.
- tomophobia Fear of surgery.
- tonitrophobia syn. of brontophobia.
- tonitruphobia syn. of brontophobia.
- topophobia Fear of performing, i.e. stage fright; or Fear of a specific place.
- toxicophobia syn. of toxiphobia.
- toxiphobia Fear of poisoning.
- toxophobia syn. of toxiphobia.
- traumatophobia Fear of injury or war.
- tredecaphobia syn. of tridecaphobia.
- tremophobia Fear of trembling.
- triakaidekaphobia syn. of tridecaphobia.
- trichinophobia Fear of trichinosis.
- trichopathophobia Fear of hair disease.
- trichophobia Fear of hair.
- tridecaphobia Fear of the number thirteen.
- triskadekaphobia syn. of tridecaphobia.
- triskaidekaphobia syn. of tridecaphobia.
- tropophobia Fear of changes.
- tryapanophobia Fear of injections.
- tuberculophobia Fear of tuberculosis.
- tyrannophobia Fear of tyrants.
T Phobias